What Is A “Dimension”?

“Dimension” is a commom term in science and physics, but most people have no idea what a dimesion truly is… A fantastic read for anyone who wishes to grasp the concept should read Flatland by Edwin Abbott. Although written more than 100 years ago in Victorian England, the book is thought provoking, suggesting that there are answers to unknown higher realities that can be explained with scientific or rational thought if only we will free our minds to ask the right questions.

In the book, Abbott describes the life of a little white square living in a two dimensional world. He has a little house and when he meets a third dimensional being (a sphere that looks like a circle in 2D), he is amazind it can go into a cupboard and pull out an egg.

This is a miracle to the second dimensional square, much as it would be a miracle to us if we were to meet another dimensional being who could change from solid to spirit and back to solid again.

Learning about three dimensions as we grow up, once we get older, we take for granted that this three dimensional space is the only way to perceive reality. Because we are so strongly attached to the third dimension, the energy of another dimension would be something we don’t understand.

But what if reality was more than three dimensional space and could be defined as and perceived as multidimensional? We cannot conceptualise what the other dimensions “look” like and therefore, in order for us to understand another dimension, we would have to “experience it differently”. So keep an open mind 😉


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