Ipu’s Blogs
Welcome to my blog / fun page. I hope you find some awesome (healing) content in here and get to enjoy my sense of humour and see the funny side. I had a ton of laughs creating this for you. Lots of Aroha (love in abundance) ♡
The Story Of Papatūānuku - The Land
In the Māori world view, land gives birth to all things, including humankind, and provides the physical and spiritual basis for life. Papatūānuku, the land, is a powerful mother earth figure who gives many blessings to her children.
What Is A “Dimension”?
“Dimension” is a commom term in science and physics, but most people have no idea what a dimesion truly is… A fantastic read for anyone who wishes to grasp the concept should read Flatland by Edwin Abbott. Although written more than 100 years ago in Victorian England, the book is thought provoking, suggesting that there are answers to unknown higher realities that can be explained with scientific or rational thought if only we will free our minds to ask the right questions.
Where Do Your Beliefs Come From?
Our brains work like a biological supercomputer, assessing information and responding. How we respond to an experience depends on the information that is given to the subconscious and how it is perceived and interpreted. When a belief has been accepted as real by the subconscious mind, it becomes a “program”.
Are You Disconnected From Your Spirit?
As much as we wish for a significant spiritual breakthrough, as much as we long to know our divine self and I'm cover our insured of genius, we’re still not making the commitments that will ensure our success. We want the gifts, but we aren't engaging in a potential work necessary to obtain them. So we remain stuck. And more discouraged than ever.
20 Affirmations That Will Change Your Life in 2020
A very common trend in psychology is that the thoughts that live in your mind can create your reality. What you believe in, your level of spirituality and the beliefs you hold of the world around you, shape the way you interpret everything. If you hold negative thoughts, your outlook will be negative. If you hold positive thoughts, your outlook will be positive.
Some Secrets For Happiness
What is the method you use to measure all these intangible qualities by? Who says that two people in the same situation are having the same amount of enjoyment? With today’s technology and social media, it’s so easy to find someone who has spent hours touching up one of their million photos, and then compare that to your life…
10 Ways To Still Your Mind, Be Successful And Live Well
Here are 10 ways to still your mind, be successful and live well. Ranging from a digital detox, nature and nutrition to sleep, exercise and taking stock of how far you have progressed, these little tips and tools will help you on your way to acceptance, success and enlightenment.
Don't Make Judgement (Cats) Calls
Often we are triggered by people or events, or just certain situations. Far too often this leads to irritation, anger, “blowing up“, resentment and potentially regret if we react and lash out at the people we love and care about.
Letting It All Go
Sometimes life gets you down or you feel a little exhausted and burnt out and you need a little pick-me-up to help calm and heal yourself. This is an easy way to get your natural energy back in alignment and help clear the crazy party of thoughts in your ping-pong brain. This is a technique I teach all the time and use myself when necessary or when I’m feeling a little drained.
Try a (FREE) 5 minute reading on your past life…