Some Secrets For Happiness

People are always on the search for happiness… What is the meaning of happiness? How is it measured? How do you know if you’re happy or could be happier? These are all great questions that many people ask themselves and for good reason. But this is sort of the same question as “Am I successful?” or “Am I worthy?”. The real answer to these questions depends on your perspective.

I mean, what is the method you use to measure all these intangible qualities by? Who says that two people in the same situation are having the same amount of enjoyment? With today’s technology and social media, it’s so easy to find someone who has spent hours touching up one of their million photos, and then compare that to your life…

So, here are some small secrets for happiness and living a life full of joy and fun;

  1. Give yourself permission to be human and enjoy your normal emotions - don’t bottle it up.

  2. Simplify your life. Get rid of things that don’t make you happy!

  3. Balance things you “want” to do, against things you “have” to do. Some happiness boosters could be coffee, bike rides, chats with friends, etc.

  4. Cultivate healthy relationships. Aim for long term, successful, growing relationships. And how do you do this?

    1. Show interest and have a love map of your partner.

    2. Pay compliments and do not take them for granted.

    3. Nurture your relationship and make time for a date at least once a week.

    4. Remember the details: smile, touch, flowers, quality time, help with the dishes, etc.

    5. Know your partner and be known, you don’t need to be validated.

  5. Maintain mind/body connection with exercise and meditation and a good sleep pattern.

  6. Focus on the positive rather than the negative:

    1. Do not take the good things in life for granted.

    2. Show gratitude.

    3. Appreciate the goods things and they will grow.

    4. Failure is a stepping stone to success (learn to fail/fail to learn).

    5. Say thank you.

    6. Write down 5 positive things that have happened each day.

Hopefully these few secrets will help on the road to living a more happy, joyful and loving life.


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