Are You Disconnected From Your Spirit?

Do you feel lost, disillusioned and powerless, disconnected from your spirit. Reconnect with your divine self.

As much as we wish for a significant spiritual breakthrough, as much as we long to know our divine self and uncover our intuitive genius, we’re still not making the commitments that will ensure our success. We want the gifts, but we aren't engaging in the potential work necessary to obtain them. So we remain stuck. And more discouraged than ever.

I believe the reason for this frustration and spiritual impasse is that way too many of us are trying to make a transformational, energetic shift through intellectual means alone. We know a lot about the power of spirit, but we aren't actually experiencing it. And we can't do it only through intellectual pursuits. In fact, we cannot experience the power of spirit through intellect (or ego) at all.

It is only achievable through a deep, intentional daily practice of connecting with the spirit.

This is the most authentic, lasting power we have in our lives. We cannot control the outside world, but with the power of spirit, we can create a sense of purpose within that brings about deep satisfaction and personal peace, regardless of what is going on around us.

We cannot be truly happy without making this connection and surrendering to our spirits. We must anchor spirits as breath, awareness, meditation, setting your intention, expressing gratitude... And most of all, surrendering to the flow of life.

Just by plugging a computer into an electrical source gives of the power it needs to run, you must also “plug in” to divine Source regularly so that your heart remains fully charged.


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